
In light of the integral role of technology, we recognize the fastmoving nature of the technology industry. We are dedicated to maintaining a robust infrastructure and a well-structured technology platform that supports the learning environment.

Student Privacy

Fremont County School District #21 shares student data with various outside agencies, vendors, and service providers. Data is shared in accordance with applicable state and federal law and is shared to further the district’s educational goals.

FERPA - Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

FERPA prohibits the school district, and those services that we contractually enter into agreements with, from disclosing personally identifiable information from students’ education records without the consent of a parent or eligible student, unless an exception to FERPA’s general consent rule applies, the general consent exceptions require a school to provide certain privacy protections for those education records that it does maintain, either onsite or offsite.

COPPA - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

COPPA applies to commercial companies and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under 13. Only for profit websites can violate COPPA. A school district cannot violate COPPA because we are not a for-profit website, nor do we offer for-profit services. However, we are cognizant of the requirements of COPPA and how it affects the services we purchase and use.

Content Filtering

Federal laws require the usage of content filters in k–12 institutions.